Episode 155 – How To Figure Out Who Your Best Clients Are… And Why It Matters

Episode 155 – How To Figure Out Who Your Best Clients Are… And Why It Matters

It goes without saying, the better you know your clients, the easier it becomes for you to create marketing messages that get them to hire you more often. But how can you figure out who your best clients are, what their concerns are, and what makes them buy your services? I’ve answered all these questions in my latest podcast. Listen below or download it for free.


The better you understand your clients in what motivates them, who they are, where they live, how much money they have, how they feel about the court system, no matter the practice area, what’s their ethnicity, their gender, where do they shop, the better it is. The more you know about your potential clients, the better you will be able to find them and target them.
Are they religious, do they speak English as their first language, who are they going to vote for in the next presidential elections? These things are actually important because the better you can create a profile of your ideal clients, the better you can look for them and use your marketing to look for them. This can be called ‘stacking biases.’

When you think about it, there are slight biases that will help you to target people better. Taking the case of a client in Los Angeles who does Criminal defense, particularly DUI. When asked, ‘What kinds of clients do you get?’ he answered, ‘I don’t know, I get everybody when it comes to DUI.

When asked, ‘Do you get more men or women?’ he’s like ‘I tend to get more women.’

Alright. What ages?

They are usually mothers and older.

When asked again, ‘Is the age group 35 years and up?’, he’s like, ‘Yeah okay. 35 and up.’

What about an upper limit?

Really above 50, I don’t get many.

Okay, so how many more do you get?

He’s like maybe 60 – 40.

Based on the questions and their response, so far you’ve got 60% women, 40% men, where these women are between ages 35 to 50. Not really younger than 35, not older than 50. As you get some targeting going on, you can move on to more questions.

‘What is the reason that they get arrested for DUI?’

They may have traumatic events in their lives. They are getting divorced. They may be unhappy with their spouse and they act out. They go drinking with friends and they act out and then they get pulled over. Most of these people have never had a brush with the law.

All these questions give a pretty good picture of who your ideal client is.

The next question to ask is ‘What do they say when they call?’

Usually, they are very worried about what’s going to happen. Will their family, kids and others find out?

Are they worried about their jobs?

No, not so much but they are worried about being able to take their kids to school and school activities.

By asking similar questions, you can get a really concise picture of one big segments of your clients. For example, using Facebook, you are able to target these people a lot better and can get leads. Similarly, on the website, you can target to people of that demographic and age etc. Same goes for a personal injury attorney. They want to know who their demographic is.

Possible Questions To Ask When Identifying Your Clients

You would think how are you going to target for an auto accident or a personal injury? Some of the possible questions in these cases are ‘What is the age, gender? What kind of accidents do these people get in to? What’s the average age? Do they have insurance when they get in to accidents with other people? Rear ends or what? Do they drive nice cars or low-end cars? Do they have comprehensive coverage or just basic coverage? What are the makes and models? Are there any common ones? Where do they get in to accidents – at intersections, in school zones, on the east side of the town or the west side of the town? When they call you what is the most important thing that they want? Do they want to have their car fixed? Are they worried more about medical bills? Are they willing to go see doctors? Are they willing to go see chiropractors or they just believe in traditional doctors? Will they spend money? Are they good patients? Do they get treatment? What kind of jobs do they have? Are they driving a work or family car when they get in to an accident? How do they differ from other ethnicities, if there is a difference? Do they complain about the third or the forty percent take that you get on the backend? Are they good or bad clients? Do they comply with what you want? Do they tend to an attorney shop? Do they go with family friend referrals or do they stick with the first attorney they talk to?’

These are some of the things for personal injury for instance that you could think about to get a much better profile of your clients. This information is necessary for you to be more effective as an attorney in your marketing. Again, the more specific you can be on who you are targeting, the better. That’s extremely important. It makes all your marketing more effective, and your money far better spent. There is going to be a temptation when you do this, and you’ll think that all your clients are different and there is nothing special, but you have to ask all these questions in order to identify them.

You don’t have to look for huge differences, say 90% of your clients are male. You have to look for minor identifications, say 5% of them are this way or 3% of them are that way. Are 10% more of them this way? Basically, you start stacking those biases. 5%, 3%, 8% on top of each other. Eventually, you will get to very specific and lopsided customer avatar. That’s what you want, because now you are really getting a range where your targeting could be effective.

All this is going to help you identify your clients. However, this is not easy. Call 888-225-8594 and get the help you need to do this. We have got an interview process where we can ask you these questions and get this information out of you and help you and your firm. You can also email at Richard.Jacobs@speakeasymarketinginc.com.


Richard Jacobs

About Richard Jacobs

My name is Richard Jacobs, and I've discovered quite a bit about the plight of solo practitioners and small, 2-5 attorney firms like yours these past 12 years.

I've come to understand the unique challenges in marketing ethically and effectively that attorneys face because I have:

  • Helped over 180 attorneys author their own practice area book and become the 'implied expert' in their practice area
  • Helped hundreds of attorneys successfully navigate Google's search algorithm changes, growing their websites from 2 potential clients calling a month to 4+ calls per DAY for some clients.
  • Interviewed and promoted over 507 attorneys nationwide, in practice areas such as:
  • DUI / DWI
  • Family Law
  • Criminal Defense
  • Bankruptcy
  • Auto Accidents
  • Social Security Disability
  • Slip & Falls (Premises Liability)
  • Real Estate
  • Estate Planning / Probate
  • Wage and Hour Claims
  • Expungements / Post Conviction Relief

Before you decide to invest in your marketing, it makes sense to first request your complimentary, custom, no obligation video website review.

Richard is the author of 6 books published on Amazon, Kindle and Audible.com

Richard is available for speaking engagements on direct marketing for attorneys and has recently spoken at the following legal conferences:

  • PILMMA (Personal Injury Lawyers Marketing & Management Association)
  • Las Vegas DUI Summit – Private event for DUI attorneys
  • New York Boutique Lawyers Association
  • Perry Marshall & Associates Marketing Academy (Marina Del Rey, CA)
  • National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL)